Month: November 2021

Cyber attacks, DDoS attack

​Facts about Smurf attack you need to know

This title can be tricky. But not to disappoint you, this is not a gaming tutorial. The Smurf attack is everything but fun. It’s a dangerous cyber attack that must be taken seriously. 

Facts about Smurf attack

Be aware and protect your business, your investment, and your image! Here you have the main facts about the Smurf attack you need to know!

How to detect the Smurf attack?


Cyber attacks

​3 Significant Cyber Attacks In Recent Years.

The cyber attacks are like to get into the twilight zone of the Internet. There’s no way to talk about them without getting goose bumps. Every time they happen, we know there were victims, and for sure big losses. Obviously, we wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.

Let’s take a tour around 3 significant cyber attacks in recent years. The last case is a real red warning!


DDoS attack

DDoS attack: How dangerous is it?

DDoS attack explained

DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service attack) is a cyber threat that utilizes the capacity limits related to each of the network resources. Therefore, its main purpose is to disrupt critical targets, for instance, a system, or a network, or even a server. The DDoS attack sends a large number of requests to the targeted web resource. The aim is to overload the capacity of the website entirely. As a result, the target is not able to handle all of the requests, and the website could not function for regular users.

Popular DDoS attack types that hackers use



Basic knowledge of DNS

DNS is a fundamental element of the Internet that has an essential purpose. This infrastructure makes the usage of the Internet for humans simple and easy. So, let’s explain a little bit more about it!

DNS explained

The Domain Name System (DNS) holds an extensive database with all actual domain names and the IP addresses that correspond to them.
