DDoS protection

DDoS protection, DNS, Network

Load balancing – Great solution for mitigating all risks

Our topic today is Load balancing. If you want to learn about its primary purpose, how it works, and why it mitigates all the risks, you are in the right place. So, let us begin by discussing the meaning of Load balancing.

What is Load balancing?

Load balancing in DNS is a method of distributing client requests across server computers by using domain setup. For example, the domain name might be associated with a website, email system, or any other Internet-based service.


DDoS protection

The truth behind DDoS protected DNS service

Have you ever wondered if the DDoS protected DNS services are true, or are they just another Internet scam? Now we will uncover this type of service. Are DDoS attacks so dangerous or not? Let’s jump into it!

What is a DDoS attack?

The DDoS attacks are a cyber attack, where bad actors use various methods to generate a lot of traffic towards a target, with the purpose to overwhelm it. Then, when the target can’t respond to normal queries anymore, it will deny service to newly connected users, and from there, the name comes.

Top reliable and affordable DDoS protected DNS service
